iPhone AI

Ludo Lugnani
Ludo Lugnani
🍎 Hey this is Ziplaw! Your iPhone might get an AI upgrade. Apple is in talks with Google to set up the Gemini AI model on its 2 billion devices. Here's what this means for law firms plus a recap of all the news you need to know.

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Today's news

  • 💡 AI chips: Nvidia introduced new chips which it claims are twice as powerful at training AI models. The company dominates over 95% of the AI chip market and has become America’s third-most valuable company.
  • 🍨 Banana Split: Unilever is splitting off its ice cream business, which includes brands such as Magnum, with a demerger resulting in a new listed company being the most likely option.
  • 📈 🇯🇵 End Negative Rates: After 17 years, Japan bids farewell to negative interest rates, edging them up to 0%-0.1% with inflation sticking above 2%.
  • 🚕 Let's settle: Uber's set to shell out $178m to Australian taxi drivers claiming the ride-share giant cut into their earnings. It's part of a global pattern of legal tussles with cabbies, even as Uber recently triumphed in France.

Today's top story

Apple and Google team-up on AI?

In Short: Apple might integrate Google's Gemini AI into iPhones, spicing up the tech scene with a blend of Apple's innovation and Google's AI prowess.

What’s going on?

The two companies are in negotiations to let Apple license Gemini, Google's AI model, to supercharge some new iPhone features as part of iOS 18. Why Google? Well, Apple's own AI efforts, codenamed Ajax and the Apple GPT chatbot, aren't quite cutting the mustard against Google's AI magic. So Apple wants to use Gemini to leapfrog ahead of its rivals.

The deal would build on the companies existing search partnership. At present, Google pays Apple around $20 billion make its search engine the default option in the Safari web browser on the iPhone and other devices. This gives Google an advantage over gen-AI-based search competitors — including OpenAI — which rely on Bing for real-time links to web pages.

Why does it matter?

This potential tech mashup is more than just a cool feature update. It's a strategic play in the high-stakes world of AI, with implications that stretch far beyond your smartphone screen. For Apple, bringing Google's AI into the fold could be a catch-up move, acknowledging that its own AI chops need a leg up. For Google, it's a golden ticket to embedding its AI into over 2 billion Apple devices, a massive boost for Gemini's user base.

But there may be some trouble. This alliance could ruffle some regulatory feathers. Google’s current deal with Apple for search is already the focus of a lawsuit by the US Department of Justice. Meanwhile, the EU is forcing Apple to make it easier for consumers to change their default search engine away from Google. Throwing AI into the mix could make up for this lost revenue, but it might also turn up the regulatory heat.

⚖️ How does this impact Law Firms?

Intellectual Property (IP) Law:

  • Licensing Agreements: IP lawyers will be crucial in drafting and negotiating the terms of licensing agreements between Apple and Google, especially considering the complex nature of AI technology like Gemini. They'll ensure that Apple's use of Gemini respects Google's IP rights while also safeguarding Apple's interests. These lawyers will advise tech companies, app developers, and software firms, helping them navigate the intricacies of using AI technologies within their products without infringing on existing patents or copyrights.
  • Patent Strategy and Protection: With the integration of Google's AI into Apple products, IP lawyers will also find themselves busy conducting patentability analyses and developing strategies to protect any new innovations that result from this collaboration. They will work with tech giants, startups, and inventors, advising them on how to secure patents for their AI-driven inventions and how to avoid potential patent infringement issues in a landscape that's rapidly evolving with AI advancements.

Antitrust and Competition Law:

  • Regulatory Compliance and Investigations: Given the potential antitrust implications of a collaboration between two tech giants like Apple and Google, competition lawyers will be in high demand. They will guide these companies through the regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance with antitrust laws and representing them in any investigations by competition authorities. This work includes advising on the structuring of the partnership to avoid anti-competitive practices and preparing for potential scrutiny from regulators.
  • Merger and Acquisition Due Diligence: While not a merger in the traditional sense, the strategic partnership between Apple and Google over AI technology will require meticulous due diligence akin to M&A activities. Competition lawyers will assess the potential market impact of this collaboration, advising clients on the risks and considerations related to market dominance and competitive fairness, particularly in sectors like mobile technology, AI development, and online services.

Technology and Data Protection Law:

  • AI Ethics and Governance: As AI becomes more integrated into consumer devices, lawyers specialising in technology and data protection will be called upon to develop ethical guidelines and governance frameworks for AI use. This includes advising companies on the responsible deployment of AI technologies, ensuring that they meet legal standards for privacy, data protection, and ethical use. Clients will range from tech companies to consumer rights groups, all concerned with the ethical implications of AI in consumer products.
  • Data Privacy Compliance: With the incorporation of AI like Gemini into devices used by millions, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR becomes paramount. Lawyers will guide companies through the complex landscape of data privacy, advising on data collection, processing, and storage practices that comply with legal standards. This includes drafting privacy policies, conducting data protection impact assessments, and representing companies in the event of data breaches or privacy complaints from users.

⚖️ In other Law news

  • Bird & Bird, Shoosmiths, and Macfarlanes advised on a court case involving a computer scientist claiming he invented bitcoin. Spoiler alert: the court said he didn't.
  • Linklaters and Kirkland & Ellis lead on Digital 9's sale of its stake Verne Global to Ardian France SA for up to $575 million.
  • Charles Russell Speechlys has recruited a former head of private investment funds at Burges Salmon in a bid to build out its profile in the market.
  • Weil Gotshal and Memery Crystal are advising on £28M deal for a visitor management system company.

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📊 Chart of the day

Credit: Bloomberg

Missed crisis. The Panama Canal has managed to avoid major disruptions in global shipping despite drought-induced low water levels by imposing strict vessel traffic limits. Conservation efforts have reduced water level decline to just over a foot, a significant improvement from the previous year's three feet drop. However, these measures have increased the salinity of Lake Gatún, Panama's primary drinking water source, due to the recycling of lock water. This scenario underscores the complex trade-offs in addressing climate change impacts, such as the challenge of maintaining essential infrastructure like the Panama Canal while ensuring environmental and resource sustainability.

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