How I went from 20+ rejected applications to qualified solicitor using ZipLaw+

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Dear friend,

If you're looking to secure a Training Contract at a top law firm, this letter will show you how.

Here are the details:

A career in law is great. I've been a qualified solicitor since September 2022 and loved every bit of it. But getting to this point has been hard.

Many law firms offer training contracts. Problem is there are thousands of students and graduates vying for the same limited spots.

Rising above the crowd is near impossible.

You deserve a proper shot at securing a TC. So if you want this to be the year you secure a Training Contract, then the next 3 minutes will be an important read.

Because I'd like to invite you to join hundreds of students and graduates taking advantage of the tools I've used to secure a TC and qualify as a solicitor.

But before I do...

Let me give you a quick run-through of how I went from a generic applicant struggling to get work experience, to qualifying as a solicitor at a top law firm... and how you might too.

Escape the endless application cycles

My name is Ludo. I'm a qualified solicitor. 4 years ago, I used to be a law student, desperately trying to secure a TC. But after receiving almost 30+ rejections in my applications I started doubting whether this was the right career for me. No matter what I did, I was told my Commercial Awareness wasn't up to scratch.So I created the tools that now form part of ZipLaw+ and used them to secure a TC and become a qualified solicitor at BDB Pitmans LLP.

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What you need to secure a Training Contract in 2024

As part of my job I've been able to experience the other side of applications and understand what graduate recruitment teams look for in applicants.

A key skill they look for is Commercial Awareness.

As the world rapidly evolves with Artificial Intelligence and other tech advancements, having an in-depth level of commercial awareness can make all the difference in securing a TC and becoming a top lawyer.

But unfortunately, far too many applicants provide general answers to application questions and rely on a limited level of commercial awareness.

Result? They face tons of rejections while applicants with better commercial awareness and research skills stand out.

I know because I used to be one of those left behind. This all changed when I understood just how much commercial awareness matters.

I invested all my time in developing it and suddenly I was getting offers for Assessment Centres, interviews and ultimately a TC.

Commercial Awareness is a true differentiator. It can make you an average applicant or a superb one.

So how do you go about developing your commercial awareness?

Most people can understand the news...but only a few can leverage them in law firm applications

Reading the news is not enough. You need to understand how news impact law firms and be able to explain it.

But you also need to have access to unique stories such as court cases and deals which law firms acted on to showcase your in-depth research of the firm.

Announcing: ZipLaw+

ZipLaw+ is the ultimate subscription to help you do just that and stand out in Law Firm applications.

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ZipLaw+ gives you all the tools you need to stand out in applications, impress your interviewers, and drastically cut your time spent preparing applications.

You'll learn how to identify news stories' impacts on law firms and discover unique court cases and deals which they advise on.

Here's exactly what you'll get:

ZipTracker Database

Ever found yourself spending days researching court cases or deals law firms advised on and struggling to find any decent ones?

ZipTracker is the solution to that problem.

It's a database where we have collected all our analysis of hundreds of court cases and deals 100+ law firms through which you can filter by law firm, practice area, chambers and more!

You can filter by 100+ Law Firms, 30+ Chambers, and 20 Legal Practice Areas to target your search like never before.

Then click on the case or deal you want to bring out our detailed report with a clear summary alongside the key points we'd recommend discussing in an application or interview.

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And boom. You've done days worth of research in minutes and can now draft a standout applications to get your TC.

This is one of our most loved features and we are sure it's going to be one of your favourite too!

The Week in 10 minutes

Every Saturday morning I sit down and prepare a roundup of the top news stories of the week. I analyse each one to explain how they impact law firms and their clients.

I then send this to our ZipLaw+ members. That way they can catch up on all they need to know plus understand the consequences for law firms in 10 minutes or less.

This is one of our members' favourite features.

It has saved members hours (if not days!) in research and many have used the stories we cover in their successful TC and Vac Scheme applications.

When I was preparing applications, I struggled with a) picking a news story to discuss; and b) understanding how they impact key industries in which law firms advise.

So I created the Deep Dives newsletters where I pick out a key trend in an industry e.g. manufacturing, private equity, real estate.

I then explain what it all means and how it impacts law firms.

To date I've covered all sorts of trends including the top M&A trends of 2024, top law firm risks of 2024, and the must-know trends in Artificial Intelligence (just to name a few!).

Result? You get a unique story ready to go with all the key points covered so you're ready to stand out in your application or interview, with little to no effort (yay!).

Standing out in law firm applications has never been easier.


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Can I cancel?

Yes you can cancel any time although we are pretty confident you'll love ZipLaw+!

Who writes ZipLaw+?

All the content is written by me (i.e. Ludo). I'm a qualified commercial and technology solicitor at BDB Pitmans. Find out more about what I do on my LinkedIn :)

Does this actually work?

I used the tools that now form part of ZipLaw+ to get my Training Contract. Hundreds of readers have secured a TC or a vacation schemes by using ZipLaw+. We get emails every week from readers that have used ZipLaw+ resources to draft applications or prepare for interviews and got the job. The most common feedback we get is that we made commercial awareness super easy and their interviewers were very impressed with the insights they provided in applications or interviews. We do all we can to make ZipLaw+ as valuable to help you get the job you want.

Standing out in law firm applications has never been easier.